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A Note from our Pastor

Visiting a church for the first time can be a scary and intimidating prospect. Believe me, I understand. For two years before becoming the Senior Pastor here, my family and I traveled full-time all over the country. This means we were literally a visitor to a new church almost every Sunday. No matter how long you have been in “church,” walking into a new one always has an element of the unknown. We want to take as much of that unknown out of your first visit as possible. The following section will help make your first visit seem like it is not your first visit.


- Pastor Jay

How to Find us
What to Expect

You can expect to enjoy a service that will last about an hour and fifteen minutes. It will include a blended worship set (which means there will be older hymns mixed with traditional choruses and songs you would hear on a contemporary Christian station today), a focused time of group prayer, a time for giving gifts, and a message. The message usually lasts about forty minutes and will examine a specific passage of scripture to identify the central truth and lay out ways that truth practically applies to your life.

What to Wear

Just as our music style is a blend, so is our dress. While you will see one or two of our older members in a suit, most people just wear a shirt with a collar, but there will always be a few in jeans and t-shirts. So the short answer is that whatever you wear, someone else will match in style.

When to Arrive

Our service starts at 10:30 am each Sunday with an opening song. Most people are in the worship center to find seats and enjoy fellowship by 10:25 am. We suggest pulling into the parking lot for your first visit by 10:15 am. This will give you plenty of time to park and find your way to the Worship Center after a short stop at our Welcome Center.

Where to Park

We have parking on both sides of our building and some along Session Street in front of the Worship Center. For your first visit, we suggest you enter from Sessions Street and follow the parking lot to our Guest Parking beside the Office Entrance on the side of the building. This will allow you to park close to the entrance and enter through the door beside our Welcome Center.

Where to Enter

Once you are parked, there is a covered entrance with a sign labeled Office. You will want to enter through the double white doors under the portico. The Welcome Center will be just down the hall on your left. You can stop here to get more information on our church or follow the signs to the left directly to the Worship Center.

What about kids

Our Wee Care program provides care for children from birth through age four throughout the entire service. Our Kidz Worship program allows children from kindergarten through third grade to leave the service right before the message and enjoy a time of age-appropriate teaching. If you have children and would like them to participate in these programs, we suggest backing up your arrival time to 10:00 am on your first visit and plan to stop by the Welcome Center. This will allow someone to help you find the children’s area and give you time to get your children registered.

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